/ Unbreakable Warrior ♡

Monday, May 18, 2015

Crest of Light *:・゚✧

Crest of Light Tag - Review

In this post I am going to be reviewing the Digimon Tag I got from
the website: blazerdesigns.net
I came across this website on Instagram when I was searching for digimon crests to purchase.
Out of all the tags I have ever looked at, this one was great!

It's super shiny! and feels great and doesn't irritate my skin!
It says its made from acrylic and its lazer cut.
It had a lanyard string, but I thought it would cuter with a chain necklace
so I replaced it with a Claire's necklace I had.
overall for the price I paid for, its great! good quality and I highly recommend buying it!

here's the size and comparison of pictures I took.

Its about the size of a TAP card which if you dont know what that is its basically the size of a credit card, its pretty big and I might get a longer chain because it hits right in the middle upper part of my chest, but maybe not, we'll see. 

If you want to know more about the site, they also sale more stuff:

so check their site out and buy something!
he sales all 8 Digimon Crest Tags

(All items were purchased with my own money, no affiliation with the company,)

Follow me: 
Instagram: @jennsunbae
Twitter: @jennsunbae
Tumblr: jennsunbae.tumblr.com

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Where I've been ♡

I haven't been on my blog for a while now.
i always seem to forget about it or i just feel like i should put quality work into it.
i didn't want random stuff that could easily be put by tumblr.
But i never seem to get this blogger thing right haha.
anyways for the past few months i've been stressed out.
In March i left to San Francisco for my spring break and it was amazing!
i was away from home for one week and it felt great.
no pressure, no parents, and no stress.
i stayed at my lovely friend's apartment who is currently studying at SF State.
here are some pictures: 

after this amazing trip, i made it back home.
and also recently i've been getting into themed instagram feeds.
some people hate them, some love them.
i personally love them! so comment down below some cool accounts!

also give me a follow on my account! @jennsunbae
i'm currently working on a pink, black and white theme.
its kind of difficult haha props for people who know their stuff.

Also, i've been to starbucks like 4 times this week!
that's a lot for me since i usually never go??
haha i want to try different drinks so hopefully soon i get to try!
my current favorite is Vanilla Bean Frap with Caramel 
and Very Berry Hibiscus (:

I'll try to post once a week, wait i said that already. well i'll start this up again 
so please whoever actually looks at my blog don't be mad if i end up not posting.
but i might do an eBay haul since i bought a few stuff.

Lastly, here's a recent picture of myself (: 
i got my nose pierced back in March so its been one month.

sorry for the smirk face haha
thx again for reading!
see you in a week!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

No Post Sunday(╯︵╰,)

Unfortunately i was unable to do much research for a topic post i had in mind. So i decided to postpone any post today and just have a filler post. 
I will resume blogging next Sunday!
with my topic post full of information and resources! 
so sorry no new post today lol
i'm off to a bad start this year too, i ate a chocolate cake today ^-^
haha anyways hopefully your first week of 2015 wasn't too bad and hope this new weeks will be a fresh start of a new perspective!


Thursday, January 1, 2015


New things are coming for 2015 for me♥:

  • I'm going to try to work on my blog more and update once a week, im thinking Sundays

  • Going to work on myself: (as in)

-Love myself
-Stop Over thinking
-Learn to express my feelings better
- Stay on track of school
- Go out and meet more people
- Just have fun on life

  • Going to be making, hopefully, YouTube Videos!
  • Going to start eating healthy and working out, my plan is to lose and tone by the end of 2015
So i can't wait for this year and what is has instore for me, its Definitly a New Year Resolution and theres's nothing wrong with that. I'd like to know what are your plans for 2015?
comment down below i'll love to read anything!


Follow me: 
Instagram: @jennsunbae
Twitter: @jennsunbae
Tumblr: jennsunbae.tumblr.com

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Here's a few things i'm asking for my birthday, which is in 3 days. July 9th. Oops~

1. Alexa Chung IT
2. Alice in Wonderland Tea Set
3. Marc Jacobs Daisy Perfume
4. Maxstar Platform Sneakers (White)
5. Naked Urban Decay Basics Palette
6. Lolita Heart Purse
7. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 (Pink)

I don't expect to get these things, but its nice to dream ^-^
also for future references because if i don't get them this year
there's always christmas or in the future hehe


Follow me: 
Instagram: @jennsunbae
Twitter: @jennsunbae
Tumblr: jennsunbae.tumblr.com

Monday, June 23, 2014

Where I've been ♡

My last post was in April and were now in June.
Sorry i havent been blogging and its not like i have any viewers that care,
or any for that fact, but i should explain about my whereabouts.
i havent gotten the chance to blog anything interesting and to
be honest, i dont know what to blog about.
I've just been home, doing nothing out of the ordinary
i have plans to go to El Salvador this July and will return in August.
Stay tune at the end of this month for a June Favorites post
and possibly a Birthday Wishlist since my Birthday is in 3 weeks!
So if you havent already follow me on my instagram, tumblr and twitter.
i'm more active there than i am here (:
Have a nice day!!


Follow me: 
Instagram: @jennsunbae
Twitter: @jennsunbae
Tumblr: jennsunbae.tumblr.com

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gidget (Book Review)♡

This is going to be a post on a book I read awhile ago and 
now have time to put up a review on. (sorry).
It's called Gidget by Frederick Kohner.

Here is the front cover of the book i got and its the new version.
I purchased it on Barnes and Nobel's website for only $13 (Paperback).

This book is based on a true story, but still has a fictional factor to it.
Frederick wrote about his own Daughter who is known to be Gidget, (Girl - Midget).
And it takes place in California after WWII and centers a group of guys in Malibu
of hot surfers and beach bums, and when Gidget takes an interests in it, theres no stopping her
from trying to be the best girl surfer that mailbu has ever seen especially a lucky boy (;

This book is definetly for a younger audience, maybe 15 to about 18.
A girl who is coming of age will love this quirk, funny book for sure. 
It's an easy read book that can be more of a passtimer or just to refresh your mind.
Gift it to someone who might like surfing or would like to know the poineer of girl surfing.

there was a part of the book that i really liked and so i highlighted it!

there was just something about that captured my attention, and i completely
forgot what it was but i'm sure i'll remember sooner or later ^-^

overall i give this book a 4/5 stars!! (:

Follow me: 
Instagram: @jennsunbae
Twitter: @jennsunbae
Tumblr: jennsunbae.tumblr.com